Call for Submissions – IAMO Forum 2019

„Small farms in transition: How to stimulate inclusive growth?“

Farms below two hectares produce one third of the global food supply. Furthermore, they are engines of agricultural growth, a reserve employment source and an important element in securing social stability in rural areas of many European and Asian transition economies. However, their future is uncertain due to a low interest in farming of the younger generation and because agricultural policy instruments rather benefit medium-size and large farms. Against this background, the IAMO Forum 2019 addresses important challenges and focuses on the interlinkages between small farm development as well as agricultural and public policies. The drivers and consequences will be debated from a social sciences perspective, including economics, political sciences, sociology, anthropology and history.

Be part of this unique conference and present your latest results to an international audience from academia and politics from 26 to 28 June 2019 in Halle (Saale), Germany.

Submit your abstract or propose your organized session by February 10, 2019.

For more information please visit the IAMO website.



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