Call for Applications: Postdoc Grants

We invite for applications for a research period with the ScienceCampus EEGA in Leipzig, Halle or Jena. The stay may serve the preparation of an application for more extended funding by a national or international science foundation active in the field or a joint publication. Applications must be related institutionally to one of the EEGA partner institutions (ideally through previous personal cooperations or existing agreements) and topically to the research focus of one or more research areas.

EEGA’s five research areas are:
Research Area 1: Mobilities and Migration Regimes in Eastern Europe  
: The Self-Positioning of Eastern Europe in a New World Order In-The-Making
: Business Strategies and Frameworks of Political Economies 
: Cultural and Intellectual Perspectives and Identifications 
: Eastern Europe in Times of Europeanisation

Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2019
Start of funding: starting from 1 September 2019
Funding period: min. 1 month to max. 6 months

Applications must include:
1. EEGA Application Form  (Download)
2. CV (incl. Publication List)

Please submit your application as one PDF (max. 18 pages, 10 MB) to and consider the notes for the specific funding measures the EEGA provides.

For more information click here

[If you are facing problems opening the Application Form we recommend using Firefox]


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