CfA – Postdoc Grants

Deadline for submissions: 1 September 2019
Start of funding: between 1 January and 1 April 2020
Funding period: min. 1 month to max. 6 months

The Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA) is committed to developing new research perspectives on Eastern Europe, engaging in knowledge exchange activities on the region with stakeholders, and promoting young researchers. It follows the idea that the multi-disciplinary and multi-faceted examination of processes of globalisation are a key for a better understanding of actual societal developments. The focus is on Eastern Europe’s diverse, tension-filled, and sometimes paradoxical globalisation projects “from within” and “from the outside”, and thus, on the selfpositioning of Eastern European societies under the global condition.
EEGA brings together interdisciplinary knowledge and expertise from researchers affiliated with both universities and research institutes in the Leipzig-Jena-Halle science region. Together with partners from the region, EEGA explores the fields of migration and mobilities; business strategies and political economies; cultural and intellectual perspectives and identities; and political integration in a changing global arena. Overcoming prejudices and clichés, some of which are rooted in the era of the Cold War, and promoting an informed understanding of Eastern Europe in its diverse traditions and positions, developments and (internal) dynamics, are the primary mission.

We invite for applications for a research period with the ScienceCampus EEGA in Leipzig, Halle or Jena. The stay may serve the preparation of an application for more extended funding by a national or international science foundation active in the field or a joint publication. Applications must be related institutionally to one of the EEGA partner institutions (ideally through previous personal cooperations or existing agreements) and topically to the research focus of one or more Research Areas.

Preparatory contact with both the colleague with whom a cooperation is intended and also the respective research area coordinators is required. For contact details see: As EEGA is devoted to interdisciplinary approaches, applications which connect more than one member institution of the ScienceCampus are highly welcome.
The support of visits for the execution of individual research projects unrelated to EEGA activities is not foreseen. The duration of the stay relates to the scope and type of the application or joint publication envisaged. It may not exceed 6 months. Start of funding is possible between 1 January and 1 April 2020.

Applications must include:
1. EEGA Application Form  (Download:
2. CV (incl. Publication List)
Please submit your application as one PDF (max. 18 pages, 10 MB) to and consider the notes for the specific funding measures the EEGA provides.

Please click here for more Information.

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