Research Colloquium 2019/20 – Dubnow Institute

The Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Cultur – Simon Dubnow, potential member institution in a second phase of the Leibniz ScienceCampus EEGA, is warmly inviting to its Research Colloquium 2019/20.
This year’s semester topic „Ruptures and New Beginnings: Jews and the Foundation of New States in the Twentieth Century”“ will be considered from different perspectives within a series of lectures.

In particular, the lecture on 12.12. by Annette Weinke on „What’s Wrong with International Law? Europäisch-jüdische Emigrantenjuristen und das humanitäre Völkerrecht, 1930–1990“ might be interesting for one or the other EEGA Fellow.

Please click here for more information on upcoming colloquia of the Dubnow Institute.

Here you can find the flyer.

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