14.12. Perspectives from Academia on the Current Protests in Belarus – Digital Talk

For more than three months, people in Belarus have been taking to the streets to raise their voices against Alexander Lukashenko’s authoritarian system. More than 25,000 people have been arrested to date, many of them injured by the brutal actions of the police forces, and several people have died. More and more opposition members are leaving the country, and the remaining democracy movement is appealing to the international community for support. Our series of talks follows the call for solidarity of the German Association for East European Studies and invites representatives of the Belarusian civil society to share their perspectives and report on different facets and topics of the protests. You are invited to join the talks and engage in the discussion.

In the second talk, the Perspectives from Academia on the Current Protests in Belarus are addressed. Therefore, the organisers are pleased to welcome Pavel Barkouski and Tsimafei Malakhouski. Pavel Barkouski, PhD, is currently fellow at the IWM in Vienna and a former DAAD research fellow. He was lecturer in Social Philosophy and History of Philosophy at the Belarusian State University and organized a protest at the Philosophical Faculty in September. He is the organizer of Pradmova, an intellectual book festival. Tsimafei Malakhouski studies Political Science at the European Humanities University, Vilnius. He coordinates the project “Honest University” that assists protesting students and faculty members at Belarusian Universities and opened a helping center for oppressed academics.

Pavel Barkouski – Activist and Lecturer in Cultural Philosophy
Tsimafei Malakouski – Activist and Student at the European Humanities University, Vilnius

Anja Jahn – Co-Spokesperson of the Junge DGO Leipzig Regional Group/GWZO

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