EEGA welcomes Belarus Fellows

In solidarity with Belarus scholars in the current political situation, EEGA is particularly pleased to welcome Belarus fellows from January.

Liudmila Tsarova will be conducting research on her project „Foreign Direct Investment in Belarus: Mode of Survival or Threat to National Security?“ at the University of Halle from January. Galina Tsmyg will devote herself to her project „Discovering Belarus: choral cultural exchange as a phenomenon of modern European culture“ at Leipzig University. Starting in February, Maryia Danilovich will conduct research at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) on „Self-Positioning of Belarus in the World Order of Global Competition: between Russia, China and European Ambition“. Ala Leukavets will be working on her project „Elections and Protest Movements in Non-democratic Regimes: Cementing Stability or Triggering Change?“ at the ReCentGlobe (Leipzig University). And from March, Alena Petrushkevich will focus on „FDI&ODI dynamics and policy changes in the Eurasian Economic Union under the global and regional challenges“ at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO).

The EEGA looks forward to fruitful research and exchange with all fellows.

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