First Annual Conference of the Research Centre Global Dynamics

On the topic „2020: A Caesura in the History of the Global Condition?“, the ReCentGlobe of the University of Leipzig will hold its first annual conference from 28 to 29 April 2021.

It will kick off with an opening lecture & discussion with EEGA spokesperson Matthias Middell (9:00 – 10:00 (CET)) on the topic „Has 2020 Been a Caesura in the History of the Global Condition?“.

The year 2020 has inscribed itself in the collective memory worldwide: Among many remarkable events in the past year, this is mainly due to a globally effective pandemic. At the same time, experience makes us suspicious of a hasty characterisation as a historical caesura. This experience teaches us that even when such an assumption is widespread, later hindsight puts much into perspective and allows us to see more continuity than would have been apparent to the immediate witnesses. To speak of a caesura, however, means above all to be able to conceptualise the qualitative difference between before and after. Here, historical research points out that a caesura consciousness padded in this way contributes to the invention of the ancien régime and the new order by providing new categories for recording the social interactions that will orient these interactions in the future.

For more information, please see the conference website or the programme flyer.

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