EEGA Colloquium Winter Term starts on 7 October 2021

In October, the EEGA starts its Winter Term Colloquium for researchers, students and interested guests involved in the fields of Global, Transregional and Eastern European Studies, and all neighboring disciplines. The Colloquium serves as a hub and melting pot for research in Leipzig – Halle – Jena, crossing borders and strengthening the network between the various academic and research institutions in the region. Here, researchers from EEGA’s partners, EEGA’s own Research Areas and holders of the EEGA Fellowship enjoy the limelight of an expert forum to present and discuss activities, projects, strategies and plans.

The Colloquium incorporates events at EEGA’s partner institutions, thus offering a stage with a broader audience and building up momentum for development and outreach within an overarching framework. Be our guest and contribute.

Please find here the programme folder.

The colloquium will be opened 7th October, 2 pm, by Kasia Narkowicz (Middlesex University) and Lela Rekviashvili (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography) and co-editors with a presentation and discussion of the Special Issue “Conjunctural Geographies of Postsocialist and Postcolonial Conditions”. The event (in English) will take place online. For more information and registration see our event calendar.

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