Presentation „The Middle Income Trap in Central and Eastern Europe – Emergence and Ways out“

On October 26, 2021 at 6 pm the Fraunhofer IMW will host the Presentation of the upcoming edited volume The Middle Income Trap in Central and Eastern Europe – Emergence and Ways out with Dr. Kiril Kossev (OECD Paris), Dr. Yaman Kouli (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf), Dr. Grzegorz Lechowski (Berlin Social Science Center), Dr. Uwe Müller (Leibniz Institute for History and Culture of Eastern Europe), Dr. Steffen Preissler (Fraunhofer IMW, Deputy Institute Director and Head of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Division) und Dr. Daniel Šitera (Charles University Prague / Institute of International Relations Prague), moderated by Dirk Böttner-Langolf (Fraunhofer IMW) and in cooperation with GWZO and EEGA.

The event will take place in a hybrid format. You can participate online at:


or on-site at the Kupfersaal in Kupfergasse 2 in 04109 Leipzig.


On Account of the ongoing pandemic, registration for the limited number of attending participants is required by October 22, 2021. Due to the limited number of participants the registrations are being processed on a first come, first served basis. Information regarding hygiene measures and 2G rules for the event will be sent to you with the registration confirmation. To register, simply send an informal email to:

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