Webinar: A LEXICON OF DECOLONIALITY IN EASTERN EUROPE: How to Decolonise an Art Organization?

The four webinars on A Lexicon of Decoloniality in Eastern Europe: How to Decolonise an Art Organization? is a continuation of a long-term research project entitled Art Organization initiated by kuda.org in 2017. New Media Center_kuda.org is an independent cultural organization which since 2001 brings together artists, theoreticians, media activists, researchers and the wider public in the research of contemporary art theory and practice, cultural policies, activism and politics.

Former EEGA fellow Zoltán Gineli is part of the project and is going to talk about Transcoloniality.

When? February 18th & 19th, 2022 from 16 – 21h (CET) via ZOOM

All information on the project and the webinars can be found here.

In line with the theme of this event, EEGA will host a presentation and discussion on „Curatorial and artistic research: Exploring transregional and gendered trails in recent East European art history“ on 4 March. For more information, please see our event calendar.

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