Round table discussion under the topic “Can Politics Secure Transformation?” with Sarah Ashour (Cairo) and Gilad Ben-Nun (Leipzig), organised by the Leibniz Science Campus „Eastern Europe – Global Area“ as part of the Leipzig Science Festival GLOBE22 on October 12, 2022.

Conceived as a „science lounge“, the event focused in particular on issues of climate change, food security, and social solidarity in the context of social market economies, and transformation dynamics in Eastern Europe and their global implications. The developments of the last months, caused by Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine, were particularly highlighted against this background.

Discussion guests were Sara Ashour (SAGE Cairo) and Gilad Ben-Nun (Leipzig University). Sara Ashour pointed to the political dimension of food security and tackled the issue of trade policies and whether they can mitigate the food security crises. Gilad Ben-Nun is an expert on security issues in the Middle East in its global contexts. He highlighted the implications of the energy and food crises for existing and new social tensions. After a presentation of most recent findings by Ashour and Ben-Nun, the audience discussed with the two scholars.

The event, moderated by EEGA coordinator Lena Dallywater, was part of GLOBE22, a festival for young and old, for inquisitive people inside and outside the university, for people who want to better understand the complex happenings in the world and for all those who value a dialogue that is full of content and respect.

The video is available in  on Youtube.

A recording of the live stream of the entire day can also be found on Youtube. The recording of the round table discussion starts at 2:54:00.

A video review on the GLOBE22 Festival #Climate Solidarities  is also available on Youtube.