Špela Drnovšek Zorko
Stay at EEGA: 18th to 25th of June 2023
Research Project: Migrant geographies and creative methodologies of race, Europeanness, and belonging
Špela Drnovšek Zorko is a Henriette Herz Fellow in the Center for Advanced Studies “Dialogical Cultures” at the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, and an Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. After obtaining her PhD in Anthropology at SOAS, University of London, she held a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship at Warwick and a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship at Waseda University, Tokyo. Her work on intergenerational post-Yugoslav narratives and postsocialist migrants’ articulations of race has appeared in journals including Ethnic and Racial Studies, Comparative Migration Studies, and The Sociological Review.
She is working on bringing together several years of research on migration and ‘postness’, which she is looking forward to sharing with colleagues in EEGA and the IfL during her one-week stay, while also discovering new possibilities for research cooperation in Leipzig.
After her stay at EEGA, she became Project Lecturer at the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies at Kobe University, Japan.