EEGA Symposium – Review, Outlook and Keynote Lecture

Date: Tuesday, 4 June 2024, 3.00 pm – 6.30pm, followed by a Reception

Venue: Tagungslounge Leipzig, Katharinenstraße 6, 04109 Leipzig (5th floor) and online

In its final symposium, the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA) looks back on the results of the joint work in the years 2016 – 2024, presents key products of the cross-institutional cooperation and provides an outlook on future collaboration.

The EEGA Symposium is thus about both: a look back and a look forward to the future of the network.

Ongoing publication projects, such as the anthology „Rethinking the Global after the War on Ukraine. Interventions from around the World“ and the textbook for MA and PhD teaching „Eastern Europe: Global Perspectives“ will be presented. A special highlight of the event is the keynote lecture by Francis Onditi, Professor of International Relations & Diplomacy at Riara University Nairobi, who will broaden the perspective. The symposium will be rounded off with the General Assembly. At the General Assembly, the Research Areas of the ScienceCampus will present their highlights in research, networking, publications and fellows(hips).

All affiliate researchers in EEGA, as well as interested colleagues from universities and research institutions in Leipzig, Halle and Jena, are cordially invited to actively participate in the meeting and carry the ScienceCampus into the future. A small reception provides the opportunity for further discussions.


3.00 pm – 5.00 pm EEGA Symposium and General Assembly – Review and Outlook

Words of Welcome
Review EEGA 2016 – 2024
Matthias Middell (Leipzig University)

Presentation of the EEGA textbook „Eastern Europe: Global Perspectives“ (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024)
With the editors Gilad Ben-Nun (Leipzig University) and Katja Castryck-Naumann (GWZO)

4.00 pm Coffee break

Presentation of Anthology “Rethinking the Global after the War on Ukraine. Interventions from around the World”
With Dennis Dierks (Leipzig University)

Outlook: 2024 and beyond
Presented by the new spokesperson of EEGA
Judith Miggelbrink (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography Leipzig)

5.00 pm – 6.30 pm Keynote Lecture

“Eastern Europe: A Global Perspective from the South”
(Francis Onditi, Riara University Nairobi)

6.45 pm – 8.00 pm EEGA Reception



Please register via the form below (also for parts of the programme). For online participation via ZOOM, please register via the following link: