List of accepted panels

Literature and Culture

  • Dis-placed, Mis-placed and Re-placed: Minoritarian Mobilities in Literatures of Europe’s East
  • The Unpredictable Past and Uncertain Future of East European Music: the cases of Bulgaria and Serbia


  • Transregional entanglements in crime and punishment
  • EU-nization of gender equality policies in Central and Eastern European Research and Higher Education
  • One Belt, One Road Initiative – different approach to the legal framework
  • Working with the Past, Shaping New Urban Memories: Global Cultural Urbanism in Central and Eastern Europe


  • Eastern European / Soviet Globalisms and Socialist Modernities: new perspectives on the socialist experience
  • Economic Integration and Globalization? Trade, Transfer, Interests, and the „Socialist Bloc“
  • (A)typical Sources of Globalizing Eastern Europe: Methodological Issues
  • East-Central European colonialism
  • Global Objects: Material Networks and Entangled Knowledge between Eastern Europe and the Global South

Sociology and Geography

  • Reindustrialization and the agents of new centralities and peripheralities in non-metropolitan spaces of Central and Eastern Europe
  • Russian-Speaking Sexual and Gender Minorities In Transnational Post-Socialist contexts: Activities, Self-Understanding and Positioning
  • Changing global conditions of infrastructural and large-scale development projects in Eastern Europe
  • Transnational care markets and new forms of care mobilities in the context of Central Eastern Europe