Filmscreening and discussion „Im Fadenkreuz der Machthaber“

As part of the Globe21 Festival, there will be the film premiere of the ARTE documentary „Im Fadenkreuz der Machthaber – Angriff auf die Zivilgesellschaft“ (in German language) on 25 June at 6 p.m.

A wave of authoritarianism is currently rolling from East to West, attacking civil society and thus a fundamental pillar of democracy. NGOs are being portrayed by governments as a gateway for unwanted influence from outside powers. Countries on all continents are affected, regardless of their type of government. „Im Fadenkreuz der Machthaber – Angriff auf die Zivilgesellschaft“ documents this global phenomenon using India, Russia and Poland as examples and shows the repression to which civil society is subjected and the implications this has for the future of the democratic idea.

The filmscreening is followed by a panel discussion, moderated by Axel Körner, with the political scientists Alexander Libman and Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski and the film producer and director Antje Boehmert. For more information, please see the festival website.


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