Béata Hock: Keynote lecture on „Vectors and Dynamics of Cold War Cultural Exchanges“

EEGA Affiliate Researcher Beáta Hock will be part of the international workshop “Iron Curtains or Artistic Gates? Communism and Cultural Diplomacy in the Global South (1945–1991 and Beyond)”, that takes place September 19–20, 2024 in Vienna, Austria. Her keynote lecture will focus on „Vectors and Dynamics of Cold War Cultural Exchanges. A Triangulation“.

The two-day workshop will challenge traditional East-West Cold War narratives by examining the cultural interactions between communist Europe and the Global South. It will primarily focus on art, culture, and heritage as sources of new insights into historical narratives. The following questions will be asked:

  • How can artistic expression contribute to the rethinking of historical narratives?
  • How have political circumstances shaped artistic and cultural production, and vice versa?
  • What were the underlying power dynamics? And what are the contemporary legacies of such interactions?

More information can be found on the event website.

Date: 19th – 20th September 2024

Venue: Online / Hochzeitsoktogon, Upper Belvedere, Prinz-Eugen-Straße 27, 1030 Vienna, Austria


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