MoU signed between IAMO and Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Agriculture

The Uzbek Minister of Agriculture, His Excellency Jamshid Khodjaev, and IAMO Director Thomas Glauben signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Munich to further intensify the cooperation between EEGA Partner IAMO and the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan. The document establishes four main points: Firstly, the cooperation in modernising the education system of Tashkent State Agricultural University and other universities as well as various research institutes of the Ministry will be further developed. Secondly, research and teaching capacities are to be expanded in the field of digitalisation of the food economy in Uzbekistan. Thirdly, a systematic exchange of experience and know-how on the impacts of climate change and on corresponding adjustments in the Uzbek agricultural and food sector will be pursued. Finally, IAMO and the Uzbek Ministry of Agriculture agree to cooperate intensively in the field of science-based transfer of policies and technologies.

For more information, please see the press release.

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