New EEGA-Colloquium – a forum for Global, Transregional and Eastern European Studies

Starting this autumn, the Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA) organises a Colloquium for researchers, students and interested guests involved in the fields of Global, Transregional and Eastern European Studies, and neighbouring disciplines.

The Colloquium serves as a hub and melting pot for research in Leipzig, Halle and Jena, crossing borders and strengthening the network between the various academic and research institutions in the region. In the Colloquium, researchers from EEGA’s partners, EEGA’s Research Areas and holders of the EEGA Fellowship enjoy the limelight of an expert forum to present and discuss activities, projects, and strategies.

The Colloquium incorporates events at EEGA’s partner institutions, thus offering a stage with a broader audience and building up momentum for development and outreach within an overarching framework.

On 10 December, the edited volume “Transregional Connections in the History of East Central Europe” is presented. The online presentation will be hosted by the editor Dr. Katja Castryck-Naumann (GWZO) together with some of the volume’s authors.

Dr. Castryck-Naumann has compiled source-based contributions that channel diverse disciplinary perspectives to explore East Central Europe’s global entanglements and international participation. Through historical analyses, the volume sets out to challenge normative Eurocentric and nationalist preconceptions by asking how East Central European societies “transformed their political orders by ways of integrating in cross-border and transregional connections and constellations” (

The volume draws on contributions and discussions at the 2018 EEGA-cum-GWZO annual conference “Eastern Europe – Global Area: Eastern Europe in Global Relations”. It is part of the Dialectics of the Global–Series and is to be published early next year with DeGruyter Oldenbourg. Hoping the COVID-containment measures have eased by then, the editor plans to give an extensive in-person presentation of the book in Leipzig, in summer 2021.

Please be our guest and contribute; learn more about events and contents of the EEGA Colloquium here and register at

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