Open Access Library

The ScienceCampus EEGA offers an Open Access Library with publications of EEGA members and fellows. The Open Access library includes the fellows scientific reports, articles as well as conference reports.

Video Interview with Aigerim Kaimanova

Research project: One Road One Belt Initiative: Its Impact on post-Communist States


Video Interview with Benjamin Beuerle

Research project: Climate Change and Emissions in Russia: Attitudes and approaches from late Soviet and post-Soviet times (1970s-2010s)


Video Interview with Dorin Lozovanu

Research project: Geography of Migration and Diaspora from Eastern Europe


Video Interview with Eric Burton and Konstantinos Katsakioris

Research Project Burton: Bars, curtains and pipelines: Conjunctures of African mobility towards and beyond Eastern Europe during the Cold War; Research Project Katsakioris: Training the Postcolonial Elites:The Socialist Countries, the Global Cold War, and the Educational Revolution, 1950s-1991


Video Interview with Famke Geißler

Effects and adaptation of climate change in the Barents Region: How should adaptation towards the impact of Climate Change in the Barents Region look like?


Video Interview with Fredericke Weiner

Research project: Recent Feminist Activism in Eastern Europe in a European and Global Context


Video Interview with Katarina Ristic

Research project: Transnational Memory of Balkan NATO Interventions


Video Interview with Luka Ekhavia

The Patriot Camps as experimental Spaces for Exercising the Memory Politics of the Post-Rose Revolution Regime and for Mass Mobilization of the Youth


Video Interview with Mashkhura Babadjanova

Research project: Analysing the impact of climate change on wheat productivity in Central Asia


Video Interview with Miriam Meir and Simon Behnisch

Research project Meir: The Conceptualization of the Nation, Eastern Europe, Europe, and the Global by Religious and Non-religious Convictional Actors in Poland and Eastern Germany; Research project Behnisch: Transition of law in partitioned Poland in 19th century. Its influence on building of the Second Polish Republic’s legal system
