© Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Senior Research Fellow and Head of Research Group, German Research Foundation (DFG) Emmy Noether Research Group “Peripheral Debt: Money, Risk and Politics in Eastern Europe” at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle
Curriculum Vitae
2018-2019: ERC Research Fellow, “Western Banks in Eastern Europe: New Geographies of Financialisation” (GEOFIN), Trinity College Dublin
2015-2018: Research Fellow, “Financialization” Research Group, Department “Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia”, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle
2014-2015: Research Fellow, Institute of Social Anthropology, Comenius University, Bratislava
2014: PhD, Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics
2009: MSc Anthropology and Development, Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics
Selected Publications
- Mikuš, M. and Rodik, P., eds. (forthcoming) Households and financialization in Europe: mapping variegated patterns in semi-peripheries. Abington.
- Mikuš, M. (2019): Contesting household debt in Croatia: the double movement of financialization and the fetishism of money in Eastern European peripheries.Dialectical Anthropology 43(3), p. 295–315.
- Mikuš, M. (2018): Between recognition and redistribution: disability, (human) rights, and struggles over welfare in Serbia.Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 24(2), p. 293–312.
- Mikuš, M. (2018): Frontiers of civil society: government and hegemony in Serbia. Berghahn Books. New York.
Dr. Marek Mikuš introduces himself and his research in a short video.