The research region Leipzig, Halle, and Jena is densely packed with higher education and research institutions, knowledge and know-how in the field of Eastern European studies and Globalisation studies. The Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA) fosters as an overall integrative platform for co-operation, networking and exchange in this field.
EEGA aims to develop new research perspectives on Eastern Europe, to exchange ideas with academic stakeholders in the region and to support young researchers. These activities are based on the idea that a multidisciplinary study of globalisation processes is the key to a better understanding of current social developments in these regions.
The focus is on the diverse, tense and sometimes paradoxical “internal” and “external” globalisation projects of Eastern Europe and on the self-positioning of Eastern European societies under global conditions.
To achieve these objectives, EEGA focuses on five main areas of activity in its second funding phase:
- Further intermeshing of the academic and research potentials in Central Germany and consolidation of co-operations.
- Integration of full junior researcher training (MA, PhD, postdoc) and support for junior researchers, especially postdocs.
- Internationalisation of research and establishment of a transnational network.
- Development of new research perspectives on Eastern Europe in globalisation processes.
- Knowledge transfer and informing the public discussion.
Overview of the EEGA measures:

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