BASEES Talks: Researching Russia and Eastern Europe as a PhD student in times of COVID

What to do when a pandemic ruins your plans? How could you design a study differently? Should you change your entire thesis halfway through? Most importantly, what do you do when it all goes wrong?

The BASEES Talk on „Researching Russia and Eastern Europe as a PhD student in times of COVID“ will address these and more intriguing questions.

Experienced supervisors in history and social science, Professor Sarah Badcock (University of Nottingham) and Professor Anne White (SSEES, London) reflect on the challenges postgraduate researchers currently face. They discuss practical ways PhD students might overcome losing access to their place of research, data, or sources. The event will highlight extra sources of funding, resources for PGRs, and consider some of the pros and cons of researching online in the context of the Slavic world. A Q&A will follow the main discussion and contributions from the audience are welcome.

Date: Tuesday, 23 March, 3pm on Zoom

For more information and registration please click here.


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