Support for academics/students at-risk from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine

Due to the Russian attack on Ukraine, many Ukrainian academics and students are in acute distress. Scientists and students critical of the regime in the neighbouring states of Belarus and Russia are also very much at risk in view of the increasing state repression.

Fortunately, there is a great willingness to show solidarity on the part of German universities and non-university academic institutions to help these people. However, the bundling and mediation of offers of help and support often proves to be complicated.

This is where the Akademische Netzwerk Osteuropa (Aademic Network Eastern Europe – akno e.V.) offers support. The akno association founded an emergency aid unit in August 2020 (against the background of the precarious situation in Belarus). In view of the war situation in Ukraine, akno e.V. has now launched the SCIENCE AT RISK project, which is funded by the Federal Foreign Office.

The project connects Eastern European researchers and students with educational and research institutions in Germany and links German institutions and refugee scientists. The core of the work is a secure database that records the needs of academics and students from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia who are at risk due to war or politics, as well as the support offered by German academic institutions.

If you would like to help these people at risk as a representative of a German higher educational or scientific institution, please fill in the questionnaire or share it within your networks.

All offers will be automatically transferred to the protected database accessible only to SCIENCE AT RISK. Potential beneficiaries will be contacted personally if there is a match between need and offer and will be forwarded to the respective institutions.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Emergency Office SCIENCE AT RISK
by Akademisches Netzwerk Osteuropa – akno e.V., Berlin
Tel.: 0049 173 – 274 85 11

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