Support for scientists at risk

After founding an emergency unit in 2020 in cooperation with the DGO, the association akno e.V. has now, in view of the war situation in Ukraine, launched the project SCIENCE AT RISK, which is funded by the Federal Foreign Office. Within the framework of a ScAT ring lecture (October – December 2022), scientists at risk from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia can be supported with fees for online participation. EEGA and GWZO Leipzig will participate in the lecture series, which brings together host institutions from all over Germany.

If you know of colleagues at risk who would be interested in participating in such a lecture series, please contact the SCIENCE AT RISK Emergency Office c/o akno e.V.

Further information can be found here:

Please also note the two related job advertisements (see PDF’s below):

Job advertisement Fundraising and Social Media
Job advertisement for administrative and financial management

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